
A Buffer statement allows you to create a temporary storage for products in a grid pattern. Multiple products can be coming in and leaving the buffer in parallel. Transport of products is handled similarly to the Transport statements.

The statement continues execution until the break condition is met and the buffer has emptied.



Name Description
IsEnabled Turns on/off the execution of this statement.
BreakCondition When evaluates to True, the buffer stops accepting products and empties.

Defines the product access order of the buffer.

First-In-First-Out (FIFO)
The first entered instance is transported out first.

Last-In-First-Out (LIFO)
The last entered instance is transported out first.


Defines the destination to where product is transported out.

To Next Process
Product is transported out to the next process using the transport system. Transportation is pull-type, meaning that the next process requests a product once it has capacity.

To Component Container
Product is placed to the component container defined by DestinationContainer. If the DestinationContainer has an output port connected to another container behavior, the product flows through the DestinationContainer to its connected container. Transportation is push-type, meaning that product is transported out as soon as the destination container has capacity. Typically, this is used in an in-line process to buffer products on a conveyor.

To Transport Node
Product is transported out to the defined transport node using the transport system. With this mode, it is possible to use transport system in push mode, meaning that products are transported to the target node using conveyor as a buffer.

DestinationContainer Component container whose output connection is used to place the outgoing products in container mode.
DestinationNode To which transport node the Product Instance is transported out when the Destination property is defined as To Transport Node.
InputResourcePositionFrame Defines resource position offset from product position and XY plane on which resource position is projected to while filling the buffer.
Offset Offset of the first product from product position frame
OutputResourcePositionFrame Defines resource position offset from product position and XY plane on which resource position is projected to while emptying the buffer.


Number of product per X,Y,Z axis
PatternStep Step between products in pattern per X,Y,Z axis


Defines how many products can fill the buffer in parallel
ParallelOutputLimit Defines how many products can leave the buffer in parallel

Frame location where the products are placed.

ReservedProductVariableName Product variable name defined in Reserve Statement. The variable can be a list.

If Mode is set to Transport Products and this variable is not empty, this statement will transport in the product(s) in the variable, without considering the product filter settings in this statement.

Defines which source is used to transport product in.

From Previous Process
A product matching the product filter is first reserved and then brought in using the transport system.

From Component Container
Waits for a product that matches the product filter to arrive to the component container connected to the transport node. Typically, in case of in-line process, product arrives to the component container by conveyor path. This mode needs to be used to receive the  products sent out from some other process by using "To Transport Node" mode.

Product Filter

See Product Filtering